The Best of Twitter 6/30/2014

NBA: NBA Draft

Fucking LOVE the move by Mike Dunleavy Sr here. This dude just skyrocketed up my favorite twitter accounts with that last tweet he sent out. It’s nice to see that white people can be funny on twitter too. Black dudes have been murdering the comedy game on twitter with the funniest shit you can possibly think of, oh no no bay, this day belongs to the whites.

It’s always a risky move comparing your 83 year old mother to the top overall pick in the NBA, especially when the sport is known for “fashion”. For example:



This is a league for the swag elites. No poor people shit here, straight designer clothes or GTFO.

What’s worrisome for me is the safety for Dunleavy’s mother right now. Honest to god I hope this dude locked her up in his house for her own protection, pretty sure Andrew Wiggins is out to find her and most likely murder her by dunking her into a grave (too soon early?).

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo grandmothers for god sake. THAT is what that kid was doing in high school.

The NBA by a fashion standpoint is starting to get out of hand in all actuality. As pointed out by Dunleavy Sr, Andrew Wiggins literally wore the same thing that is worn by an 83 year old woman, but because it’s the NBA, it’s straight fire flames swag. Unreal what this league has come down too.



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